Friday, March 27, 2009

truck stoppings

at the truck stop bathroom hall hell way bunch o' fuck: long hall way, flickering overhead lite beams of neon. in it for the long haul, but whats the overhead, spending wise? fuck me if i know. im a walking debt. dead.i can't piss even though prostate says yes. the soap hear is brown and greasy, so i flushed it. the man in the last stall is yelling "i'd fuck Micheal J. Fox with parkinsons, if you get me out of this lord. shit, i'd air fuck craig t. nelson!". he's punching the wall. i pause.i think,"bastards stay clear of me, and shovel your shit backwards and away, they are infidels and purveyers of a fuck of a life, weasels!i stopped caring long ago, stopped carrying, after they gave 5 years.". i leave and theres stacks of boxes, leaving less than 3 feet to enter and exit the bath room. but it ain't bathroom. me take a bath in there? what!? in fuckin piss in the cracks in the floor. i knocked over the tiniest cardboard box, tiny but bigger than my fist, bigger than my dick! the box is full of pages, a big stack! all from a kid's playbook, mazes and puzzles, all done with crayon. already finished. i kick the box at a mop.fuck!the electric lites are still flickering, and loud too. buzzin like bug zappers, and they are kinda pants are ridin low so i bet they got piss all over the bottoms. i cant do anything anymore without gettin piss on me.i always wanted to get one of those vanity plates, one that says "2day is bad" or "not2b fckd w/".i think my brain is bleedin, cause all i see is red, and faces look wild! they make a tampon big enuff to absorb all that pussy blood in my head?do they make a tampon small enuff for my heart?

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